Our cast iron simplex basket strainers range in connection size from 3/8" to 36", however do not just rely on your existing pipeline size for strainer selection, instead review its performance. You can accomplish this by entering your basic design criteria using our differential pressure drop calculator below.
The first step is to select the strainer size, input your maximum flow rate in gallons per minute (GPM), select the particle size (retention) you wish to capture with the strainer basket and if your fluid isn't water-like, then enter values for its specific gravity (Sg) and viscosity (SSU).
The resulting values for maximum flow rate, clean differential pressure drop and flow coefficient automatically update.
What you are looking for are strainer models that have a clean differential pressure of ≤ 2 PSIG; add 5 PSIG to the clean differential pressure and that's when you should plan to clean the strainer basket.
In some cases the performance for several models will be very similar to enable selection be based upon features, pricing and lead time. The chart that follows has links organized by strainer model for catalog pages and outline drawings.
Once you know which model(s) you require, Call us at 908.362.9981 to speak with a sales engineer or email us for a discounted price and real-time factory inventory status. We are happy to review your application with you and using our strainer inquiry form is an excellent way to make sure we have all of the critical design criteria, including your fluid temperature and pressure.
TITAN | BS25 | Model BS25 |
BS55/65 | Models BS 55 & 65 | |
EATON | 30R | Model 30R |
72 | Model 72 | |
510 | Model 510 | |
73 | Model 73 |